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Third Party
Thomas Allbaugh
The picture your friend posted,
a remnant of that summer,
now shows us what we’d
been seeing less of then
more and more—
you and friends in the park
holding up a friend, a light
moment, young men laughing,
summer before senior year,
even after it turned out,
your hair exhausted, sweat
gathered to dull and burden
your eyes, it now took a beat
after the whole group erupted
for you to curve up your mouth,
everyone looking forward,
camera phone to catch
for future, for survivors,
the first red flag
we missed, third party,
married couple asleep—
you’d been walking like
other late adolescents for a while,
at new distances by which we missed
what should have been alarms,
the harm yet to take place.
Thomas Allbaugh works in three genres, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. He has published a chapbook of poems, The View from January, with Kelsay books, as well as a novel and a short story collection. He recently retired from teaching at Azusa Pacific University in Southern California.
Image Credit: Jason Geer
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